Learning for tomorrow.

Small World is an IEYC accredited school dedicated to whole-child education, seeing our students flourish academically, physically, spiritually, and socially.

Our Approach

At Small World Christian Kindergarten, learning is a joyful, motivating, fun and engaging exploration that opens up a world of wonder for young children where their curiosity and personal interests can flourish. With developmentally appropriate, teacher-scaffolded and child-initiated experiences, each child may develop their knowledge and skills at their own pace, leading to an increasing understanding of themselves, others, God and his creation.

We aim to develop the whole child, using Christ’s development, as summarised in Luke 2:52, as our model: He grew “in wisdom (academically), in stature (physically), in favour with God (spiritually), and in favour with man (socially).”

Play is essential at Small World! We define play as a creative and enjoyable process which takes many forms; it is often free from externally-imposed goals, but can also be purposeful, guided and scaffolded.

FOR AGES 2 - 5

Small World is proud to be an International Early Years Curriculum accredited school! The International Early Years Curriculum is designed for children aged two to five years old. It uses international best practices, holistic enquiry and play-based approaches that cover all curriculum areas including personal, social and emotional development. IEYC OFFICIAL SITE

Learning and Play Definitions
“We LEARN best through play!”

In Early Years, children learn best through play, having experiences that are joyful and fun, developing skills, knowledge and increasing understanding as they meaningfully connect play to their lives and the world around them, actively exploring, testing things iteratively whilst socially interacting with others.

FOR YEAR 3 - 6

The International Middle Years Curriculum improves the way that 11-14 year olds learn. It is a challenging, engaging, internationally-minded, concept-focused curriculum designed specifically for the unique learning needs of 11-14 year olds in KS3/ lower secondary.


FOR YEAR 3 - 6

The International Middle Years Curriculum improves the way that 11-14 year olds learn. It is a challenging, engaging, internationally-minded, concept-focused curriculum designed specifically for the unique learning needs of 11-14 year olds in KS3/ lower secondary.


PLAY is having fun, following our interests, and joining friends to explore and learn about ourselves and the world together.”

Play is an enjoyable and engaging experience where children can initiate, explore, create and learn more about themselves, others and the world.

International Early Years Curriculum for children aged 2–5 years old. it uses international best practices, holistic enquiry and play-based approaches that cover all curriculum areas including personal, social and emotional development.

FOR YEAR 3 - 6

The International Middle Years Curriculum improves the way that 11-14 year olds learn. It is a challenging, engaging, internationally-minded, concept-focused curriculum designed specifically for the unique learning needs of 11-14 year olds in KS3/ lower secondary.


Teaching Team

Our Early Years teachers and teaching assistants share responsibility for children’s learning. This enables our children to receive significant individual attention from our experienced and passionate educators over the course of the school day.

Home-School Partnership

Small World celebrates that learning is a partnership between the school and the family. The learning that takes place in the classroom is practiced by children in the home, and we offer many ways for families to interact and bolster their child’s learning. There are also many opportunities for parents to volunteer and be involved in the life of Small World.

International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC)

Three Dimensions of Learning and Development

The three Dimensions of Learning and Development – Personal, International and Academic – are central to each child’s leaning journey. Within each dimension are developmentally appropriate and engaging Learning Experiences. The IEYC Dimensions are designed to complement each other, providing children with breadth of experience and encouraging holistic approaches to leaning and development. In this way the three Dimensions work interdependently; children engaged in IEYC activities will demonstrate leaning and development within and across all three Dimensions.

Academic Dimension

The Academic Dimension consists of the 4 Leaning Strands; each has developmentally appropriate Learning Experiences and specific Leaning Outcomes. The Learning Strands describe the Learning Experiences through which children gain knowledge, develop skills and increase their understanding as they progress towards the Learning Outcomes.



Independence & Interdependence

This strand focuses on developing personal, social and emotional development. It is linked to the IEYC’s eight Personal Goals and to the IEYC International Dimension.


This strand focuses on developing a broad range of communication skills including language development, early literacy, early mathematics, ICT and computing, expressive arts and creativity.


This strand focuses on developing the skills of enquiry through exploring people and the world.

Healthy Living & Physical Well-Being

This strand focuses on developing a positive attitude to health, self-care and physical activity.

Personal Dimension

The Personal Dimension provides the foundation for the development of individual qualities, dispositions and attitudes that enable young children to develop a sense of self and place within their world, scaffolding them to form positive relationships with other children, adults and the natural world around them.

personal learning goals


I can play and learn with new people, try new activities, and accept new ideas.


I use appropriate ways to clearly express my ideas and feelings with others.


I learn and play with others as a team.


I am curious, I ask questions, explore, reflect, and share my findings.


I understand what is right, what is wrong, and why.


I try new activities and I don’t give up – I keep trying.


I think carefully before I make my choices – I am careful with my words and actions, thoughtful about others’ feelings.


I treat my friends and others with care and kindness.

International Dimension

The International Dimension helps children gain knowledge and an increasing understanding beyond that related to their own nationality and identity. Through learning activities children learn the independence and interdependence of people, countries and cultures, and begin to take action within their world.

International Mindedness

I know myself and I accept, respect and celebrate that God made us all unique and different.

Global Competence

I understand the need to continue to take action to care and protect the world that we live in.

Four Cornerstones
of our Biblical Curriculum

God, our Creator.

God is our heavenly Father.

Jesus is God
with us.

The Scriptures
(God’s word).

Mandarin Programme

Our research-based and proven Early Mandarin programme centres on the Storybook Approach, developed in collaboration with the Education University of Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong. Our Mandarin programme aims to enhance children’s motivation to learn Mandarin, as well as to develop an increasing understanding of Chinese Culture. We believe that the key to sustainable language acquisition is a meaningful language immersion programme in the early years. The Storybook Approach gives children a stimulating way to learn a new language as they engage in story-listening, multi-modal texts, meaningful play, creating, and developing positive relationships with the Mandarin teachers.

Our Mandarin teachers are qualified early childhood educators with Master’s degrees in Language Studies. They build supportive and nurturing relationships with the children, which motivates children’s willingness to communicate in Mandarin. We provide a print-rich environment using traditional characters, which is relevant and meaningful to children’s daily life experience in Hong Kong.

FOR YEAR 11 - 14

The International Middle Years Curriculum improves the way that 11-14 year olds learn. It is a challenging, engaging, internationally-minded, concept-focused curriculum designed specifically for the unique learning needs of 11-14 year olds in KS3/ lower secondary.


Learning Support Service

We believe that an inclusive learning environment can be created through the elimination of barriers in the learning environment. This involves utilising practices such as simple accommodation and modification in the curriculum; teaching and learning materials; instructional strategies; and, by fostering over all supportive attitudes. Small World also takes a pro-active and positive approach to seek targeted expertise to support children with special educational needs.

Our Learning Support Team consists of staff members who have appropriate training and passion to work with children with individual needs, helping them to be successful and to reach their full potential. The Learning Support Team works in collaboration with the School Principal, Classroom Teachers and other specialists.

Examples of Utilised Practices:

  1. Simple accommodation and modification in the curriculum
  2. Teaching and learning materials
  3. Instructional strategies
  4. In-class support from a Learning Support Assistant
  5. Reviews and meetings with families